I’m in the stage of parenting where my kids are teenagers and I’m trying to figure out what my life looks like aside from being a mother. I’ve let that title and responsibility become my only identity for the past 17 years. Do I have any dreams anymore? I’ve been in survival mode for so long that I feel like I have to relearn how to dream.

I guess I can say that I do dream about traveling with my husband while working remotely once our kids are adults. I already work remotely, and he is a teacher and has summers off. I think traveling for the summer and working from wherever we are is a real possibility. I don’t want this to be something I hoped we would do and never actually made happen.

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If you really, really want it, you'll make it happen. If you don't make it happen, maybe you didn't really want it badly enough. Your choice. I find that the best way to figure that out is in your journal. And it isn't so hard to re-learn how to dream. Your journal can help you figure that one out, too. I was in survival mode for many, many years...but those dreams are always in there, somewhere. And it's never too late!

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