I really enjoy reading your article on this quiet Friday morning. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. That’s why I love to walk into a bookstore or a library, wandering around, picking up a book, looking at the cover design, the fonts, feel the texture of the book, read a few pages here and there, …, you never know, I may bring one or two home with me, with that, the joy of discovery and the pleasure in finding a connection. The Borders bookstore at World Trade Center was my favorite. In the digital world, search engines are useful. As long as one is curious, we can wander and discover in the digital world. Reading comment sections is another useful way to discover new ideas, books, music …. I discovered your book when researching online after watching Free Solo. Lately I have been thinking about how we navigate through the era of AI. What intrigues me most is not what a new AI tool can do, but rather how it can trigger and encourage thinking into how human makes decisions. We need more writings like yours. Happy writing and sharing.

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Oh, I used to LOVE that Border's in the WTC!!! Your mention of it brought back all sorts of memories.... One reason writing (and reading) is so important! Welcome to my Substack -- I hope you enjoyed the previous ones, and that you'll engage w/the ones to come. :-)

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