I love the challenge of turning “it would be nice” into “I really, really want this.” Talking ourselves INTO taking the steps to get there instead of talking ourselves out of it. That inner critic needs to be silenced for me. I can’t focus on the negative “what ifs” because WHAT IF they turn out to be positive.

Love your posts!

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Ah, that inner critic! If only we could silence that forever!! Thanks for reading -- I look forward to more comments. As writers, isn't it wonderful to know that our words go somewhere and reach someone? :-)

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I look forward to each new entry!

I was so struck by the story of Alex saying that if you could run one mile then surely you could run two. You took those words and used them to change your inner narrative.

I’m a mother of two teenage boys finding herself again after the blur of those childhood years. It really resonates with me that these kids we raise with the hope that they might bring good into the world, just might end up showing us how to find the good in ourselves.

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Kids can teach us so much! We just have to be humble enough to welcome the learning....

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